Our Last Day in London

A Boat Trip to Maya Bay

January 8, 2011

Senne's Summary: We went on a boat trip to some snorkelling and swimming spots, as well as Maya Beach.

We wanted to take a boat trip to Maya Bay (which is where they filmed "The Beach"). They have approximately one bajillion tour operators that will take you there! The map has definitely gotten out 😉

Our tour started with a trip past the Viking Cave. We didn’t get to go in, and our tour guides didn’t have good enough English to tell us what it was. Basically, it looked like a cave that people had built a sort of place to live in…. I suspect during Viking times. But that’s all I can tell you about that 😀

Our next stop was Pi-Leh Bay for some swimming. Your boat brings you into a narrow opening to an amazing swimming spot!

The water was an absolutely gorgeous turquoise colour. We got to swim for about 40 minutes in this bay. Luckily there was a shallow place to swim over to, because I’m pretty sure I’m not capable of swimming for 40 minutes in a row!

So incredibly beautiful!

Next we went to Maya Beach. This place was (as described by someone we’d met earlier in the week) “absolutely heaving with people”.

Exhibit A: Photo evidence that it is absolutely HEAVING with people!

The entire beach was lined with boats and covered with people.

Exhibit B: All the tour boats lining the beach

The beach had some of the finest white sand I’ve ever seen, but there wasn’t really a space to enjoy it with all the people there. We did do a little swimming and walked the beach, but I have to say I’d prefer a less lovely beach with less people!

Steve assisting in the anchoring of the boat 😉

Next we headed out to a snorkeling spot in Maya Bay. There were lots of pretty fish in the water 🐠

Steve and I swam away from the boat at first thinking there would be more fish where there were less people, but on the way back to the boat realized there were more fish by the boat because they were throwing bread in the water to attract them!

After this we headed to the monkey beach. The boats basically pull up to a beach where a bunch of monkeys are hanging out. The boat next to us had bananas so the monkeys went right in their boat!

Finally, we headed to our last snorkel spot, which was Lohsamah Bay. This was the best snorkeling spot I’ve been to so far. There were tons of different types of fish. I even snorkeled by myself most of the time! (One of my goals before we left on this trip was to be able to snorkel on my own. Mission accomplished!)

After 4 hours in the sunshine we were happy to head back to our hotel for a nap. (Maybe that’s the gravol’s fault… not the sunshine!)
