Our Last Day in London

Almost Ready to Go

Well we've had a long but very fun week of finishing up work stuff, packing our things into a storage locker, negotiating what will fit into our backpacks and saying good-bye to friends and family.

We are so grateful for the excellent friends and family that have made us feel so special this week… we’re really going to miss you… not enough to stay mind you ;)

We’ve included some pictures of the highlights of our last week. If you’re not there it doesn’t mean you weren’t a highlight! Perhaps it means that Lisa looked fat in the picture… or that you were moving so quickly in your dancing that you were unrecognizable… or that I wanted to keep the travel blog "family-friendly" (and perhaps save some people from feeling embarrassed!) ...or simply that we just didn’t have enough room to upload them all!

We can hardly believe that tomorrow we leave for Vancouver and then Friday morning for Paris!

I think this sums it up: Last night Stu asked us what our excitement level was on a scale of 1 – 10. Lisa responded with 27!!!!

Stay tuned! The excitement begins in 24 hours!


  1. OH WOW! 10 years ago!! Excited to see/read about the new adventures!!

  2. I know right! Look how young we all are in that picture :)


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