Our Last Day in London

We love Naxos! - Sept. 9, 2010

Thursday September 9, 2010

Senne's Summary: Another day with lots of sun and too much food!

This morning we decided to show Mom and Gary the place where you can get waffles with ice cream. Again it was delicious! Steve had some sort of chocolate ice cream with coconut in it that was absolutely delicious on his waffle and I had nutella, fresh strawberries and chopped almonds. It was very scrumptious!

Next, we decided to walk to Apollo’s Door. This is a big door to nowhere that you can see from the town.

We walked just past the port to a breakwater with a little swimming area and then up the stairs to the door. (Mom likes all the stairs in Europe so much she’s started taking pictures of them!)

Side note: Remember when I was taking photos of the doors of Rome? Well what should mom find in one of the souvenir stores -- a calendar called, "The Doors of Greece". Just when I thought I was being creative and original…

The door is clearly an old door to some type of temple. Basically, it’s only the door and some remnants on the ground that are remaining. We keep hearing people call it Apollo’s door so assumed it was for a temple to worship Apollo. Later we saw on a postcard that it was Dionysius’ Temple. We’re going to have to look that up on the Internet. Enquiring minds want to know! (Especially since Steve’s great-grandfather’s name was Dionysius… maybe we are the lost King and Queen of Naxos and they’ve been waiting for us to find them, live here and reign??? Okay, maybe I’m letting my imagination get carried away a little 😉)

We walk back through town buy some sunscreen and postcards (we didn’t buy the chess set) and then head home to get ready for the beach. This is when I have my sugar crash from breakfast. We have a little rest and play some cards before heading off to the beach.

When we get there mom is just leaving (Gary is inside… sunburn… ouch) and we set ourselves up on the beach. The water is beautiful and warm today with barely any waves!

After beach time we head in for a little reprieve from the sun before we head back down to the town for more gyros! Steve is very very fond of them. I think he also likes the fact that you can feed four people for 11 Euros :)

Next is siesta/cards/reading/playing on the computer time/writing postcards/watching a movie in the relative coolness of your room time. (Really, that’s the official name of this time!)

Finally, we head down to my favourite little beach taverna and enjoy a dinner under the stars (yes it included a bowl of olives!) The waiter was fishing again while he worked. When we were ordering Gary asked him what the difference was between two kinds of fish. The waiter helped him figure it out by taking him back into the kitchen and showing him the fish. Now that’s one way to answer a question!

We had planned to go for girlie drinks with Mom and Gary after dinner, but mom was tired so we thought we’d save that fun thing for our last night tomorrow. Mom and Gary walked on the beach a bit and Steve and I went to bed.
