Our Last Day in London

Lisa's Castle AKA Castelo St. Angelo - September 3, 2010

Friday September 3, 2010

Senne's Summary: Went to Castelo St. Angelo and then wandered around the shopping street.

This morning we did the regular lazing about and then went across the bridge to the Castelo St. Angelo. (I know my memory isn’t the greatest but it didn’t look at all how I remember it from the Angels and Demons movie!) It had a variety of purposes over the years including Hadrian’s Mausoleum, and the Pope’s hideout and prison among other things.

There were some interesting rooms with frescoes, more doors to add to our door collection, art and BIG furniture. My favourite was a door within a door that had an original fresco. You weren’t allowed to take a picture of it… but somehow we ended up with one anyway… might have had something to do with the "No Photo!" lady sleeping in her chair and the official photographer being very stealthy.

As I walked through the apartments I was explaining to Mom, Gary and Steve what I would use each room for. There was a ballroom where I would have my parties, with a big dance floor space and alcoves by the window where you could sit if you needed to rest.

The Queen waving to her loyal subjects ☺

There was a room with another room attached that could be my bedroom and dressing room… I’ve always wanted a giant room to house my clothes and shoes… these rooms were just the right size.

This is how the King protects the Queen!

There was a room we could use as the poker room, and there was also a room that looked like a treasury. We decided that that was where Steve could keep his Poker Hotshot winnings.

This is where we keep the treasure!

There was even a spot for my moat. Steve wants to put crocodiles in the moat… as long as there’s a drawbridge I’m okay with that. Yes, this seems like a place I could live. ☺

The view from our castelo!

We went for lunch to the best spaghetti place in the world again. They didn’t call it spaghetti… it was something that started with a B, that I forget now, but it was still the best!

After lunch, we went down to the shopping street and wandered up and down. Mom picked up a few things, and Steve got some new sunglasses (the lenses kept falling out of the old ones which kind of makes the sunglasses ineffective…) and then headed home for laundry/siesta time.

After rest time we played more cards (I finally realized you’re suppose to try NOT to get points when you play Hearts 😉) and then we went for dinner to the same place we went the first night. It was excellent, even though they put us at a table all by ourselves over by the construction scaffolding... (It was ambience, I think).

That concludes our adventures in Rome. We are off to Athens tomorrow and then Naxos on Sunday. 
