Our Last Day in London

Traveling to Sorrento - August 21, 2010

Traveling to Sorrento

Saturday August 21, 2010

We left our wonderful B&B to head for Sorrento. We took the bus back to Florence, the fast train to Napoli and what I like to fondly refer to as the "graffiti train" to Sorrento. There was a little boy begging for (well more like demanding) money on the graffiti train. He was about 9 years old. He went through the car banging on his drum and coming right up to you with his hand out. If you didn’t give him money he came even closer to your face and tried to give you an intimidating look. Someone needs to tell him you catch more bees with honey (and you don’t look intimidating when you’re only 9). I didn’t see anyone give him money!

We arrive in Sorrento, pull out directions to our accommodation, and realize the streets of Sorrento have no signs. If they have them, they are in a secret location we have not found yet. I cursed under my breath at large people spread out across the whole skinny sidewalk and not getting out of my way, while I carried my giant backpack with the temporarily broken strap in the blazing sun, until we found the Ulisse Deluxe Hostel. (Not sure why it’s called a hostel… seems like a budget hotel to me.)

We checked in quickly and then Steve made me lie down for a few minutes, then have a cold shower and then took me out to feed me. I think perhaps he knew when I said, “You do the check in, I’m not a very nice person right now,” that desperate measures were in order.

We found a nice restaurant and had drinks and food (and “Live Music” involving one man and a synthesizer with far too many buttons!) and I turned back into “Nice Lisa” rather than “Dangerously B*&^^y Lisa”.

PS. Sorrento looks beautiful and more “resorty” than anywhere else we’ve seen in Italy yet.

Exploring Sorrento - Sunday August 22, 2010

Senne's Summary: We spend the day exploring Sorrento.

This morning we decide to head out and see what Sorrento is all about. Originally, I wanted to stay in Capri (it’s the place in the painting we had over our fireplace!) or Positano… but since I’m not rich and famous, my research directed me to stay in Sorrento. I can still get to all the places I want to go, but the price is reasonable.

We started out by heading down to the little fishing village Marina Grande. (Personally, I would say it’s part of Sorrento, but it has it’s own name!). It was very much like the village of Riomaggiore. Lots of stairs and houses built all the way up the cliff and a marina at the bottom. There was also a "free beach" with black sand at the bottom, but it was so packed I don’t think there was room for even one more towel!

We continued through the village until we came to what I call the “platform area”. There are quite a few platforms built out over the sea. Hotels have sunbeds and umbrellas on the platforms for their guests. If you aren’t staying in the hotel you can rent 2 sunbeds and an umbrella for the not-so-bargain price of about 30 Euros for the day. There is also another teeny tiny free beach along this area, but it is completely shaded by a cliff and jam-packed with people.

We stopped and had lunch at one of the little restaurants built out over the water. Our waiter was Antonio, and he wants to be our waiter ALL WEEK. Hmmmmm. Does Steve look like a big tipper or something?! Lunch was good and the location was perfect. Lots of chances to admire the beautiful water and of course watch the people.

My favourite were the three year old boys being taught to play foozball by their dads. They had about 6 little kids working the sticks. They were cheering and yelling and having a fine time. One little guy screams out “ITALIA!” when he gets a point. Italians are passionate people… even when they are little!

We continued on our walk (120 stairs back up to the main part of Sorrento) and walked through the town.

There are lots of shops here. I’m not really a handbag person, but even I was interested. They had so many beautiful bags. If I was going home after this (and not on a budget :), okay, maybe I’d accidentally forget about the budget…) I would have for sure bought two purses that I saw today. We also saw a wallet, which I’m pretty sure we are going to go back and get for Steve. (Wallets are a little easier to carry around then handbags when you’re backpacking!)

These are the stairs that take you up to the main town. Can you see me?

Why yes! Yes, I am!

After our long day of walking we came back for a rest. Since our room has the first bathtub I’ve seen since we left Canada, I had a bath and Steve went down to the lounge to play on the Internet…I mean do some research about what we should do next!

We were going to go do laundry this evening, but decided we had at least one more day’s worth of clothes so just watched a movie.

Tomorrow Pompeii!
