Our Last Day in London

At Sea on the Celebrity Equinox

 You have probably noticed the blog is very detailed. This is not to bore you out of your tree, this is so we can actually remember the fun stuff we did.

At last Steve wakes up and we head out of our room. Guess what the first stop was, even before breakfast??? The watch store! Steve picked out a very nice watch the night before while I was sleeping (not the $5500 one), and once I told him it was as beautiful as he thought it was he quickly bought it.

Our new mission is to take more pictures (cause I'm starting to forget stuff!), and yes we even took a picture of the new watch.

We went up for breakfast where the selection was fantastic. My favourite was the fresh pineapple… they also have an omelet station where they make an omelet anyway you like… Steve had that  (those of you who know he hates eggs must be very impressed by this). Although Steve is braver with the eggs, when I saw the beet salad and goat cheese tart the other night, I passed! There was a lovely table out in the sun at the back of the boat. So we ate out there.

It was a bit chilly for laying in the sun (only 22) so we decided to go in the hot tub while we waited for the sun to come out (Life is terrible isn’t it? ;)) The sun still hadn’t come out so we went to lay in that very nice nesting chair to read...Steve too 😄

At Steve’s request we decided to check out the gym. We’ve been eating A LOT so I didn’t put up too much resistance. Steve overdid it as usual, and I realized how weak I am (0 pounds on the bicep machine) as usual 😉

Next was lunch. There are so many selections I have trouble deciding what to have. I still managed to save room for dessert though. Steve and I think that anyone that complains about the food on this boat is CRAZY. You can eat all day, the selection is incredible and everything I’ve eaten tastes good!

Next we go to our wine tasting presentation with Adrian from Romania. He said a lot of interesting stuff (most of which I’ve forgotten right now), but I learned the very important, "look, swirl, smell, little taste, big taste." We tried five wines and a champagne, and got our own souvenir little tasting cup (I’m not sure what to call it, it’s like a little silver flattish measuring cup on a chain). Steve thought we might want to wear them as jewelry to formal night and the conversation degenerated from there… and ended with Steve suggesting I wear no shirt and just the two tasting cups. Anyway, the wine tasting was fun, we discovered we liked the Cab Sauv the best, and I finally tried a red Zinfandel. Definitely not a fan, and even less of a fan of the late harvest zinfandel… too sweet!

Next we went to the latin dance lesson (now anyone who thinks they could be bored on a cruise is crazy, I’m getting tired thinking of all the ways I wasn’t napping). It was a beginner salsa class which was quite fun. The guy came over and taught us how to do some turning… and you all know how we love to dance and I LOVE to spin 💃 Super-fun!

Now we have to get ready for formal night. I look longingly at the very comfortable bed… a nap sounds good… but instead turn myself into a supermodel (ok maybe not a supermodel) for formal night. Steve takes one last try at convincing me to wear the wine tasting 'jewelry’, and we head up for dinner. Dinner was excellent again, and we had two new dinner guests join us,
Bob and Monica. Seriously-- Bob and Monica (not my grandparents, but another Bob and Monica).

I love cruises… this is what really sums it up for me. I’m eating, chatting, having the last sip of my wine and having a generally fine time…. The sommelier appears out of nowhere and says to Steve, “Sir, I notice madam’s glass is empty…” I need one of these guys hanging out with me all the time!

We go to the Captain’s Toast (free champagne and chocolates… I'm in!) and then watch the “Cirque Style” show. Well it was no Cirque du Soleil… but hey they are on a moving vessel so it was entertaining… well I did almost fall asleep… but to be fair it was dark and I’d had a lot of wine and champagne already.

We cruise by the casino…. Once again two empty poker tables… disappointing for Steve. Not disappointing for me because we decide to go check out the disco “Quasar”. This is not an exaggeration… there were two couples on the dance floor… average age of the women 65ish, average age of the men 90ish. Hey, I loved that they were out dancing, but the DJ was playing music to suit them, and it didn’t really suit me.

Okay, we may have stayed a little while for some refreshments...

We decide to check out the live band in the Sky Lounge (almost get blown off the pool dock walking there). This place is a little better, people are dancing and the music is okay. We dance a little…Steve tries to be fancy, but I have my four inch heels on so fancy dancing is out! Steve was a little disappointed and hoping for some real dance music (Pitbull was what he kept saying) but that didn’t happen.

At this point I’m desperately trying to stay awake for the late night comedian (12:15), but it’s 11:30, the band's on a break, the disco has closed and I crash for the night. I tell Steve I’ll still go to the comedian, but he is a nice boy and pretends he’s tired too.

Now those of you who are afraid to cruise because you think you might be bored on a sea day, can see that there is plenty to do!

Can you imagine a better place to type this blog?
