Our Last Day in London

Final thoughts from Guelph

**Note, if you read this in the email, you won't get the full selection of photos and videos. Click on the title: "Final Thoughts from Guelph" to read it on the blog. **

We've finished up our time visiting with Pat and Henry in Guelph. We're so lucky that they are kind enough to put up with us and cart us all over the place!

Here are a few of the things we want to remember:

St. Jacob's Market

Wow! That was a huge market. We were both amazed with the multitude of things you could find here. There were many inexpensive healthy and not-so-healthy treats! This would definitely be a weekly visit for us if we lived around here. Pat and I couldn't resist the cannoli!

Steve couldn't stop talking about getting fresh peppers for $4!

2 Famous Authors!

Did you know that two famous authors live(d) in Guelph? We were very surprised to find out Robert Munsch just lives a few blocks over from Pat and Henry. Can you imagine how excited we were?! It is going to give us some serious cred when we return back to teaching this fall and tell our 7 year olds we saw Robert Munsch's house!

Also, John McCrae, the poet who wrote in Flander's Fields was born in Guelph. We saw his home, his memorial garden and also a statue of him close to the museum. The McCrae family house is now a museum as well.

This is in the memorial garden next to his home:

Here is a photo in front of the home. There was a beautiful archway leading into the front yard.

You can see on the left of the picture a bunch of symbols of John McCrae's life... we could figure them all out except for the ball of wool at the bottom. Steve very kindly went inside to ask if someone could solve the mystery for us. The person working inside was a summer student and said, "I don't know. Maybe he liked to knit?" I was hoping for a more definitive answer so did a bit of research and found out that the McCrae family made a lot of money in the wool business. I'm going to assume that is why... or maybe he had a knitting fetish?!

Here is a photo of the beautiful statue of him near the museum:

Riverside Park
There is also a lovely riverside park in Guelph. We had a nice walk here, saw a beautiful covered bridge and had some delicious and rather large ice cream cones!

After an amazing visit to Guelph with Pat and Henry we took the train into Toronto for our final night before heading off to Iceland. It was our first train ride in Canada 😀
