Our Last Day in London

Vancouver, B.C.

We had a short visit to Vancouver (two days) at the start of our BC (and maybe Alberta... we'll see how the COVID numbers play out) road trip.

As part of our trip includes camping, and part includes hotels... and we are travelling in our beautiful but tiny Miata... some stuff has to sit on my lap while we drive. That's the price you pay for travelling in style 😉

The main purpose of our visit to Vancouver was for Steve's visit to the German Consulate to try to get a passport. The short answer to the question "Is Steve a German citizen yet?" is "Not yet, but it looks like he will be." If you want the long version you will have to message Steve for the details.

Thanks to our friend DH, we found an awesome deal at the downtown Vancouver Hyatt Regency. The room including parking was $230 per night, but each of the first two nights you stay they give you $125 prepaid Visa card. Thank you COVID for the awesome travel deal... you have to find the silver linings right?
The hotel was beautiful, clean, quiet and we had an amazing view of the Fairmont Hotel from our room.

That's worth the money alone! It almost made me feel like I was in Europe because it looks a bit like a castle.

So besides Steve's appointment at the consulate, we had dinner with his brother on the waterfront, had another beautiful lunch on the waterfront on the other side of downtown and had some nice city and waterfront walks.

We also walked by Canada place which has something they call the "The Canadian Trail". 

Basically you walk through all the names of the provinces on the ground and then they have the names of some cities and towns in that province. For a geography geek like me... that is a fun time :) I did find out that despite my love for geography, I couldn't even name half of the cities and towns they had listed.
Here's one of the Alberta cities... a shout out for you my sister!

They also had some very cute "Canadian Physical Distancing" signs which I'll include for you at the end. If you're not sure how long two metres is... or how far you should be staying away from people, these  handy signs should help :)

Now all you Canadians should be pretty clear on how far apart 2 metres is :)

Next stop on our road trip is sunny Osoyoos!
