Our Last Day in London

Moving the Blog here

Hi everyone,
I'm hoping you found us on our new site.
For future reference the new address is https://2teacherstravelling.blogspot.com/

We've decided to move the blog over to this platform for a variety of reasons. The two most important reasons are that:
1) This platform is free. I am paying a silly amount of money to maintain my blog on the other site, and am not attempting to earn any money from it, so it doesn't make sense anymore to pay for it, when I can do it for free.
2) I had endless technical difficulties on the other site, which I am not technologically savvy enough to deal with, without spending even more money!

I will start posting from here from now on. If you wish to subscribe to receive updates when I post, please click the green subscribe button underneath the title of the website and submit your address. You will then be notified each time we post.

Eventually I will be moving over all of my old posts (but the not being technologically savvy part means this will take quite some time).

I'm hoping we will soon get to go to share with you, some exciting places we are visiting!
Lisa and Steve
