Our Last Day in London

Last Days in Gozo - August 5, 2019

Well as per usual, I'm behind on the blogging. I've been keeping notes so I can update all the cool places we've been. I was "internetless" for nine days on the Baltic Cruise, so have a lot to say!

This post is about our final days in Gozo before heading off on the next part of this summer's adventure!

Our last days in Gozo included our favourite things to do:

1. Wander around aimlessly 😀
When you are wondering you find beautiful vantages like this one!

2. Eat gelato (and other food of course!)

Steve enjoying his favourite dark chocolate and coconut gelato combination!
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Enjoying dinner in St. George's Square.

3. Enjoy the beauty of Gozo.

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Park in the middle of Victoria.

4. Hanging out at the Kempinski Pool.

5. Enjoying time with our Gozo friends
5. Enjoy time with our Gozo friends.
I know it's blurry... but look how cute we all are!

We call this “Gozo Life”. 

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This sign sums it up :) It also happens to be from one of my favourite shops in Gozo!

One of the things I like to do when I'm hanging out by the Kempinski pool is read. I'm old school and prefer to read actual books... which doesn't typically pair well with travel because the amount of books I read are very HEAVY to carry around. Anyway... I wanted to mention my favourite new bookstore in Victoria, which is conveniently located across from the bus terminus! Every book is 2.99 Euros! Yes, it’s true. I’m guessing the owner gets in crates of books from bookstores or publisher's warehouses that haven’t sold?

Anyway, I found four books over my weeks in Gozo that I thoroughly enjoyed reading… and one of them was set in the Bahamas… which added another country to my list of books set around the world that I’ve read! I’m up to 46 countries now! The best part about getting cheap books like that is that I don't mind leaving them behind for someone else to enjoy!

We did one extra outing which we haven’t done before and that was to visit Magro Brothers. This is a food processing plant which processes many traditional Gozitan foods. It was pretty cool to see the factory. Through viewing windows we could see how they prepare, can and package the tomato products.

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Another interesting fact we learned there is that the beans they process and can in this factory actually come from Canada (although most of the products are Maltese)! Now as is standard with me, we learned  A  LOT of other interesting facts, which I promptly forgot. I’m at the age now where my brain is too full, and if something new stays in, something else falls out 😀

Side note: It may seem obvious to you but this was enlightening to me! Look at how they make sun-dried tomatoes!

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After this we went for “fancy lunch” at Abraham’s. This is a wine bar where you can shop for gourmet foods, drink wine and have a nice lunch. May I just add that the prosecco was AMAZING!

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On our last night our Gozo friends Suzy and Michael had us over for dinner at their beautiful apartment. We had a marvellous evening enjoying their company, their food, and their stunning view from the terrace.

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The "Garcons"

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The Princesses!

In true Maltese fashion the night was completed with a fireworks show that we could enjoy from the comfort of the terrace. (Have I mentioned that barely a day goes by without fireworks on Gozo???)

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Finally we sailed away on the ferry for the next part of our adventure. I would be remiss if I forgot to mention the DEATH CAB we took a ride to the ferry on. My heart was literally racing when we finally arrived at the terminal. This guy (without his seat belt on I might add) was weaving in and out of traffic, passing at high speeds in oncoming traffic and generally freaking me out! He did NOT receive a tip, and I literally leaped out of the car when it finally came to a screeching halt at the terminal!

One more thing to add just as a side note. This piece of art is in the ferry terminal. I will include a picture of the art with a write up about what the artist is thinking. Suffice it to say that I don’t really get it… but then I don’t really get most art. I just like stuff that looks beautiful 😀

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I’ll finish up with a photo of how beautiful Gozo looks when you are leaving. It always makes us sad to leave… but we are cheered up somewhat by the fact that we know we will definitely be back.

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