Our Last Day in London

We're Still Wandering Around in Prague

We've been wandering around Prague for a few days now. I'm a thinker so tend to have all kinds of random observations about what I've seen... this is going to be one of those random ramblings posts 😀 Keep reading at your own risk!

I knew Prague was popular, and that there would be a lot of tourists, but I never imagined it would be as crowded as it is.  This photo gives you a small taste, but as usual you can't really capture things accurately in photos.

Side note: That is why you need to come see for yourself... seeing it in photos or videos is NOT the same!

I waited for a LONG time to take this photo so that I could have less people in the foreground. While I waited, a tour group of hundreds tried hard to trample me! Also while I waited, Steve picked us up another Trdelnik. I think we're probably going to have one every day! 

This is Steve "claiming" that I ate more than my fair share and we should get another one! 😉

Side note: Look at that amazing building behind Steve!

Prague is lacking in "free places to sit" so you'll often find us sitting on sidewalks, or on window ledges. This is where we decided to eat our treat of the day and wait to see the Astronomical Clock do it's thing.

Maybe you can't tell... but we're basically sitting on the sidewalk (along with hundreds of others)... don't worry we don't look out of the ordinary 😀

One of the things I have a love/hate relationship with is the cobblestone streets. They are absolutely beautiful to look at (that's the love part) but murder on the feet and back (that's the hate part). When you read that you need good walking shoes in Prague it is actually true. I tried sandals the first couple of days, but had to switch to runners on day three!

Imagine the time it takes to build sidewalks like this. We actually saw an area, where they were repairing the sidewalk. They had piles of tiles at the side of the road ready to go down.

One of the main areas we walk through to get to the old town is called Wenceslas Square. This is a place of great historical significance, as many demonstrations have occurred here over the years. This includes the Velvet Revolution in 1989 where the Czech people demonstrated peacefully and subsequently made the shift from Communism to a Parliamentary Republic.

The square is more of a long rectangle with public space in the middle and shops, restaurants and hotels bordering the sides. Here are a couple of photos looking down from the top of the sqaure.

Here is one looking back up to the top towards the National Museum (also under scaffolding!)

As you know, I have an "Irish Pub Experiment". My theory is that every place in the world has an Irish Pub. Prague did not disappoint. We easily found the Irish Pub on a side street right off of Wenceslas Square.

There is even a guy on the street corner who will give you a coupon for a free drink with your meal. Steve decided to try the Czech beer... which we both actually liked!

On one of our walks we also came across this very cool statue. You can't see in the photo, but different parts of the statue rotate. It's pretty cool!

Prague is a city full of beautiful buildings and artwork. Here are just a few of my favourite shots.

As you walk along the river you see this interesting "thing". It looks like it used to be the top of a church, but now it is a fountain.

On the Prague Castle side we found this nice little courtyard.

Here I am sitting on the steps of a church enjoying the view and a cold drink.

We stopped for another rest in the shade (on the sidewalk of course) at this little sqaure.

It had the strangest coffee shop in the middle.

While we were resting we noticed a small group of people preparing to do some sort of play. We held out for quite some time, but only managed to see them doing some very strange practicing. it was quite intriguing!

If you are on facebook you probably saw my video of this puzzling section of the play... sorry I can't figure out how to upload it on the blog!

We are assuming this was also part of the props... and not some doggie executioner we happened to come across!

Another beautiful building on the walk back home.

... and more!

Okay... I'm almost done rambling... 

We waited around in the old town square for the top of the hour to see the "show" of the Astronomical Clock with approximately 59 bajillion other people. Let's just say it was probably a spectacular show in 1410 when it was built. Now it is a bit underwhelming. My favourite part was this little skeleton ringing a bell.

My final thought is about the language barrier here, even in the tourist zone. Yesterday I ordered a lemonade with my lunch, and this is the drink I got...

...yep, it's red. I think it was cranberry and soda... which I happen to like anyway... but definitely not lemonade. We're pretty flexible, so we just roll with whatever happens... if you travel to Prague be prepared to do the same 😀

Oh! I thought of one more thing. Last thing I promise! Each day we've been out walking we have come across amazing musicians busking. There appears to be a lot of musical talent here! One guy carted his whole piano into the square on a trolley and was playing beautifully. Another was playing an instrument that looked like an accordian, but sounded like an entire orchestra! I have no idea what it was, but I was entranced by the sounds coming out of that instrument.

Okay, that's the end of my ramblings about Prague for today!
