Our Last Day in London

The Concerts on Gozo

When we were on Gozo, our lovely friends Suzy and Michael were kind enough to organize us and then drive us around to various sites so that we could enjoy some of the events Gozo has to offer in the summer.

Our first concert happened in the cathedral right beside our apartment. When I say right beside the cathedral, I mean RIGHT beside the cathedral! This is a shot from our balcony! It looks so close that you can almost touch it.

We met Suzy and Michael down in the square and then headed into St. George's Cathedral for the concert. This was our first time inside and we were amazed by the intricacy of the decor. This is a church in a small village (with a population of less than 7 000) and this is not the only church in this village!

We arrived early to make sure we got seats, but realized there was a mass about to begin shortly. I actually found it quite fascinating to listen to it in Maltese. It's been a "while" since I've been to mass, but I could still basically tell what was going on even though it was in Maltese. To be honest I spent most of my time looking at the beautiful interior...

The concert was church choral music (not my #1 choice of music), but still it sounded beautiful.

The choir was mostly children... looking all angelic... and they sounded beautiful!

After the concert, we headed up to the balcony (our balcony not the church balcony!) to enjoy some Maltese wine and the VERY warm evening air.

Our next concert was in the Citadella. What an amazing venue for a concert. It featured the local Gozitan band DCapitals and featured popular music. We were both impressed with the level of talent from a local band on a small island.

The citadella is a beautiful venue for an outdoor concert.

Here we are waiting patiently for the concert to begin.

The band was lively, talented and generally fun πŸ˜€Here's a couple of photos for you.

Strangely, I can't find any photos of the special guest... Michael's favourite part of the concert!

After the concert we headed back to St. George's Square for a drink and debrief. This is where Suzy learned that two cappucinos after midnight is probably not the best idea! It's important to keep learning... right? πŸ˜‰

Our final concert this visit was "Opera vs. Pop Under the Stars".

Before the concert we had the "VIP Experience" which included cocktails and snacks across the street from the venue in this courtyard.

After, we walked across the street to another beautiful outdoor concert venue in the park called Villa Rundle Garden.

Here we are waiting for the concert.

Once again we thoroughly enjoyed the concert which included some amazing opera as well as recognizable show songs.

So you can see there is no end of cultural experiences on Gozo. Thanks, Suzy and Michael, for organizing. We can't wait for next summer! (No pressure πŸ˜‰of course!)

