Our Last Day in London

A Boat Trip with Captain Andreas

 Wow! I'm super behind for two reasons:

  1. I got a bit lazy and stopped writing 😀
  2. The internet in Sifnos was very dicey and I couldn't upload any photos (which gave me another excuse to be lazy!)

So here I am writing about a fabulous day we had on the "Perseas" with Captain Andreas. It reminds me why I need to write this stuff down... I can hardly remember the details!

The way that we came across this day trip was just on "The Google". I was looking for a boat trip in Milos (and there are A LOT of them), so decided to narrow it down to see if any left from Pollonia, the town we are staying in. Captain Andreas' trip fit the bill and seemed to have very good reviews. Also it was only 50 Euros a piece, and some of the ones I found from Adamas were 100 Euros a piece.

We met Captain Andreas down at the harbour at around 11:00 (Greek time) and headed out.

Side note: Greek time in no way relates to the time on the clock, but when you're in Greece who cares?! 😀

We set out and made a brief stop at Kimilos to pick up some ice.

As we were driving past Kimilos, Andreas pointed out some fishermen's houses that were just built into the rocks at the bottom of a hill.

We weren't really sure what to expect from the boat trip, but if I was to sum it up I would say it was a lot of cruising around looking at beautiful water and land formations, a couple of opportunities to swim, and a beautiful picnic on the beach.

Some of the land formations were absolutely beautiful, especially when contrasted against the vibrant colours of the ocean.

We were very eager to get swimming in the beautiful water and wished we had even more opportunities then we did have! Sometimes when you see that beautiful water, you just want to get in!

I even got brave and jumped off the front of the boat!

Normal people (like me) get back on to the boat by swimming around to the back and climbing up the ladder... I'm thinking you can guess who doesn't do it the "normal" way :)

When we were just cruising around, this is where you could usually find us... 😀

... or here...

After cruising around we pulled up to this deserted island, where we stopped for a picnic.

Steve went for a walk way up a hill, and took this shot back down to the beach where we were preparing lunch. When I say "we" I mean, the 8 of us on the boat trip helped cut up fresh veggies for the salad while Andreas did everything else 😀

Andreas went back into the trees and came out with some herbs that he used for grilling the meat.

For an appy we had some bread with tomato sauce from Andreas Grandma's recipe.

Andreas also grilled some delicious veggies and meat which we enjoyed with the fresh salad.

After eating, we were faced with the luxurious choice of swimming or lazing about. This is what I chose.

After some time had passed (Greek time... I have no idea how long it was!) we went back to the boat. You could either swim back, or Andreas would take you back in the zodiac. Steve and I opted for swimming.

Back on the boat, Andreas served us a tasty baclava as we were sailing back to Pollonia. I don't think I've ever had one quite this good.

We enjoyed the beautiful views before arriving back at the port around 8:00 PM.

We even cruised right by our hotel 😀

It was a wonderful day. It felt like going out on a boat trip with a small group of friends! If you have the opportunity to go out on Andreas' boat we both highly recommend it!

Here's the link to his website if you are interested: Captain Andreas


