Our Last Day in London

Lydgate Beach and Kapaa

I had researched some of the best beaches on the island, and we decided to try out Lydgate Beach. It was listed in the top three of the beaches on the east side of the island.

Before I get there I need to show you some of my favourite things I see as we make the drive into town.

I love this bus stop! It really shows what this island is like... laid back, beautiful, and comfortable.

Since coming across this bus stop I've also seen another in a totally different spot, with totally different chairs... but I didn't have my camera!

When you drive from Poipu into Lihue (which is where the main shopping and grocery shopping is) you also go through the beautiful tree tunnel!

As usual, the photo doesn't really capture the beauty... but trust me it is stunning!

Before we made our way to the beach we headed into the town of Kapaa for some lunch. We were eager to go to our favourite little restaurant here, The Shrimp Station.

We got our regular coconut shrimp and the shrimp taco, which were delicious and every bit as good as we remembered!

We looked at the town as we drove through, but didn't stop for any shopping. I figured we could save that for when Mom and Gary get here... because I know Mom likes to go to gift shops 😀

After this we headed up to the other branch of the Kauai Athletic Club (that is where Steve is going to the gym for the month) to pick up a tank top that they didn't have at the other location. This turned out to be an interesting errand as we ended up driving through a residential neighbourhood. This is what a typical house looks like on Kauai when you leave the tourist area.

And this is what an unusual house looks like 😀

As we were leaving the residential area to head to the beach, we came across this excellent sign!

After this, we went to the place we intended to go in the first place... Lydgate Beach (sometimes we get distracted 🤷 )

There is tons of free parking here, which was a welcome change after California's expensive parking!

Once we got ourselves settled on the soft golden sand we realized why it was in the top three of beaches on the east side of the island. They have enclosed an area of the water with volcanic rock for swimming in... actually two separate areas. One is much smaller than the other and I'm assuming is intended for toddlers. It is totally calm and not deep at all.

You can see the toddler pool in the distance.

The bigger area is over my head in the middle, but Steve discovered if you walk along the edges by the rock you can go all the way out and it is only waist deep.

When you get out to the middle of the rock area, you can actually see fish... you don't even need to snorkel! The longer you stand there the more fish that come around. One guy told us they are swimming in through the spaces between the rocks.

We only had the camera phone with us, so this is the best photo we could get of the fish!

We saw one fish that looked remarkably like a baby shark to me... but I was assured it was not a shark and probably a bonefish!

You could also see tons of these little black crabs scurrying around on the rocks.

This is how relaxed we look when we are hanging out at the beach.

I also like to include a photo where you can see the sand close up... sand quality is important. (I have to say we were so spoiled in Aruba that nothing is really comparing! Don't worry we are enjoying the beach despite this!)

After a glorious day at the beach, we headed home and watched the sunset as we ate dinner out on our balcony.

I am disappointed to report that both the ukulele man and the bubble man have gone on their way. Now we have a lady who rings a bell and someone who blows their conch shell when the sunsets. I'm so grateful that I got to see the ukulele and bubbles... I don't think that image will ever leave me 💖
