Our Last Day in London

A Short Stop Back in Arizona

When we left Aruba, our plane ended up being delayed because an engine was leaking oil. We seemed to be in the minority, but we really didn't mind if it was late if it meant they were fixing the plane. I don't know about you, but I'd rather get on a plane that works!

This meant we missed our connection from Houston to Phoenix, but luckily there was a later flight that evening, which we did manage to connect to.

All in all, it was a minor blip on the radar to us, but seemed to be quite an inconvenience to others. I know that some situations are obviously more urgent then our leisure travels, but that doesn't mean you can be mean to people... especially when no one can control it. People need to stop and breathe!

Oopsie, small rant there 😀

We were lucky enough to be picked up by friends at the airport, even though our flight didn't come in until 11:30 at night. This was kindness above and beyond, because the airport is an hour drive from where we were staying! Thank you kind friends 😀

We didn't actually do much in Arizona, but did catch up on errands and shopping as well as take some time to visit old and new friends.

Steve reconnected with Michelle, who he knew from high school and hadn't seen for 30 years, and we also spent time with new friends we had made in Arizona.

It was a quick trip, but enjoyable!

Finally, we need to thank Dale and Sandy one more time for letting us stay at their place while we were in Arizona. It was very generous and kind, and we are very grateful!

We're reversing direction now, and heading back to Las Vegas for 5 days!
