Our Last Day in London

Off to Koh Phi Phi we go!

January 2, 2011

Senne's Summary: We took a very crowded ferry to Phi Phi. Its an interesting little island with no motorized vehicles!

Today we were transferring to Phi Phi (pronounced Pee Pee <insert 7 year old boy joke here>) on the ferry. I decided to take some motion sickness pills, as I didn't want to have an embarrassing "feeding the fish" incident 😉 Instead, I had an embarrassing “falling over” incident.

For some reason the pills really spaced me out today. Imagine this… I’m walking down the long sidewalk to the ferry (I was only carrying the two little packs… Steve had the two big ones). I’m chatting away about Cinque Terre to this nice couple we met, and suddenly my foot hits a teeny tiny bit of uneven sidewalk…. (I know you can guess where this is going)… yep, I just fell over… kind of in slow motion… and the whole time I was falling my brain was saying this to me, “you’re falling over… you should try not to fall over”… but my body did not listen to my brain. I just fell over. Don’t worry I’m fine. Just like when I use to fall over all the time as a kid… just skinned knees... After that, Steve made me walk in front of him 🤷

The Handsome Man on the ferry

The ferry was packed with people. I can’t really guess how many but there was pretty much standing room only.

We had a nice conversation with another couple that was travelling for nine months, while we watched some young girls drinking vodka. There was a few moments where we thought one of them might fall off the top of the boat... but she managed to pull herself back in time!

That's an interesting spot to read your book!

I was a little worried about what Phi Phi would be like because 99% of the people on the boat were 15-20 years younger than us, but from what I’ve seen so far Phi Phi is great.

This is how Phi Phi looks when you arrive on the ferry

When we finally got off the ferry (which took a while because you had to wait for your backpack to get out of the giant pile of backpacks!) we had to stand in a line to pay a fee to get on to Phi Phi. It was only 20 Baht (about 60 cents) and it is for “Fee of the parking clean on Phi Phi Island”. That is verbatim… I’m reading it off my little ticket right now. I’m a little puzzled what that means since there are no cars on Phi Phi… I’m thinking it maybe means keeping the park clean???

Anyway, we got off the boat and headed to the right. We really had no idea how to get to our hotel… we did look at a map on the internet before we left Krabi so had a general idea that we needed to go right about three blocks and then turn left.

As we were walking this is what our conversation sounded like:

Steve: Let’s call that one block

Lisa: Um, I thought that was three already

Steve: No, that was one (inside his head he was probably saying… you can’t even walk without falling over…let me figure out where we are little stoned girl)

Then magically (in my “I’ve had way to much dramamine world”), right in front of us, appeared our hotel! (Honestly, I have no idea how we got here) While Steve checked in, I sat in my happy little spaced out world and enjoyed my “welcome drink”, and then we headed to our room. It’s a very nice room with a big balcony we can sit out on. Approximately 20 seconds after we entered the room I crashed on the bed and fell asleep. (Don’t tell Steve but I’m going to do this more often, because while I slept he unpacked my bag for me 😉)

After my extended nap, we headed out for dinner. Phi Phi is an interesting place… the streets are narrow and lined with the regular Thai businesses (laundries, stores, massages, tour agencies, restaurants, and dive shops). It seems a little more quaint than other places we’ve been in Thailand, because there are no cars and the streets are more narrow. I’m thinking it’s less quaint later at night when all those young people from the ferry head out to the bars… but I was long asleep by then 😀
