Our Last Day in London

Steve's Solo Kayak Trip to Ubugon Bay

 December 8, 2010

Today's entry is written by our guest blogger Steve Marta... he's handsome, strong and VERY long-winded (just like me 😀)

Senne's Summary: Steve took a kayak trip to a beautiful deserted bay.

Here's our guest blogger... all alone in this beautiful place!

Today I went on a Kayak trip to Ubugon Bay. Lisa was still getting over the wavering feelings of the Kayak trip we took two days ago, so she stayed behind.  The idea was that I would venture out on my own, see how rough the seas were (that far out) and scope out if I could or could not take her on one of the days to follow.

Sidenote:  Lisa now realizes that whenever she goes on a small boat on open seas that Dramamine or Gravol with Ginger, are her best friends.  So I packed up some cashews and water, and headed out.  As I left the seas were very calm and I considered going back to try to convince Lisa to come along.  But I considered this for only a brief moment, as I pictured her eyes (they still looked like the were tracking a spinning disco globe that mysteriously hung above the beach, that only she could see), and kept paddling.

This trip was going to take me to the far side of Cadlao Island, which is directly across from El Nido.  About 45 minutes into the trip I was across the strait and feeling a little hungry and thirsty, so I started looking for a good strip of beach to take a little break.

Upon finding a very nice, deserted strip of beach, I pulled in.  Took a few pics, had a drink and few mouthfuls of cashews (now wishing I brought more food), and headed back out.

Five minutes later, as I was paddling parallel to shore, another beach came into sight.  As I got closer I noticed there was a stilted house in the tree line and charging toward the surf came a Male and Female dog, barking up a storm, as if to say, "don't even think about landing here".  When I saw their five puppies trailing behind, I made a mental note to paddle closer and get a few pics on the way back.  Thinking, “Lisa would love to see those little guys”.

As I rounded the island, making El Nido disappear out of sight I came to the South China Sea, and then I was glad Lisa didn’t come, at least today.  The swells were huge for my little Kayak and Lisa definitely would not like the rollercoaster ride that followed for the next 15 minutes.  But the swells were worth it when Ubugon Bay came into sight.

From the open sea to the beach was an inlet of about 500 metres deep; the deeper into the inlet, the calmer the water.  At 100m to the beach the water was like glass.  I paddled past the beach to a small cove where I wanted to try to get some video to show Lisa.  So I hopped out of the Kayak and delicately rested the camera on the front of the Kayak.  My intention was to paddle from this spot to the beach, getting a great video shot for Lisa to see the bay.  As I stood I in the water at the front of the Kayak and told Lisa (the camera) what I was about to attempt, I made a comment on how lucky we were that our friends bought us a waterproof camera (because it’s very possible it’s going to end up in the water).  So I waded to my seat at the back of the Kayak and tried to enter the Kayak (from waist deep water) as steady as I could.  I actually thought I was going to make it, but as I slid my butt towards the seat, over the side the camera went.  The video was quite funny, filming the camera’s descent to the ocean floor.  Upon retrieving the camera, I tried again.  But this time I moved the Kayak to shallower water to make it easier for me to climb in.  This time I was successful and was able to film the short journey to the beach.

This bay is simply amazing.  I had the place to myself for the hour I stayed.  Being as secluded, and as beautiful that this bay was, it is very easy to forget the rest of the world still existed, somewhere out there.  I took lots of pictures so I could show Lisa where I wanted to bring her.

Paddling back, I made a point of stopping at the dog beach.  At first they were not very happy that I put in at their beach.  But since I didn’t get out of the Kayak, they relaxed pretty quickly.  Cutest puppies you ever did see.

It was 1.5 hours of paddling both ways and totally worth it.  Unfortunately, the weather took a turn for the worse over the next few days so I was not able to get Lisa back in the Kayak.  So that trip will have to wait for our return to El Nido.  Just have to make sure Lisa remembers to bring her Dramamine.
