Our Last Day in London

Koh Samui

Senne's Summary: We got lazy in Koh Samui and it was awesome! (You can't summarize the kind of ramblings that happen below!)

First of all we know we will be back to Bangkok, we're not done yet. There are so many things to see and do in Bangkok! We’ve decided that with the month we didn’t really know what we were going to do (Marchish) we are going to come back to Thailand and spend another week in Bangkok, a week in Chiang Mai and then a couple of weeks on an island.

How easy is it to get to Koh Samui? Super easy. We just flew (on a plane… not superman style) from the Bangkok airport. It was cheap, fast and easy. I know you could probably train or bus for less, but I don’t care. This trip we have learned that we don’t necessarily like to do things the cheapest way. For instance, there is a widely known fact that you can just show up in a city and find a place to stay once you are there for cheap. We would rather pay more money and know ahead of time what we are getting. These are the reasons why:

1)   We are both planners and feel happier when we know what is happening before it happens. You want us to feel happy, don’t you??

2)   I’m usually grumpy after long hours travelling and the last thing I want to do is wander up and down the streets carrying all my stuff looking at rooms and then bargaining with people for them.

3)   I want a western toilet, hot shower, air conditioning and rooms with the kind of walls that mosquitoes don’t fly through. (Call me a princess if you want… actually, please call me a princess, I like it!)

4)   If I research a place ahead of time I can read other traveler opinions about it and tell if it is a good place. I would say that 95% of the time we have been extremely happy with our accommodations so far… and that is pretty good.

5)   We are old enough and have worked hard enough… we don’t need the cheapest rooms!

There you have it people… I will no longer pretend that I am the kind of person that will possibly show up somewhere with nowhere to stay. Stop trying to convince me to do it. I am a planner, and proud of it!

Whew that wandered off on a tangent didn’t it?

Okay, we’re in Koh Samui. Our hotel, Lamai Wanta, is terrific (found it on the Internet, highly rated on TripAdvisor, and reasonably priced). We checked into our room, unpacked our bags and then checked out the resort. It’s quite lovely with lots of trees and foliage, an open-air restaurant and an infinity pool overlooking the ocean. There are lots of beach chairs with CUSHIONS on them! Wow! Been a while since we’ve had that!

We decide to walk down the beach and find some lunch. There are tons of restaurants right on the beach. How do you decide which beach restaurant to try? Well I can think of two methods:

1)   Read the menus, check out the prices, and see if the food on people’s table looks good.

2)   Pick the restaurant that has a cute puppy going from table to table.

Of course, you know, that we picked method #2. A cute puppy gets us every time.

Side note to all: If you ever want something from us, ask us while you hold a cute puppy.

Luckily lunch was also good. We enjoyed a Singha beer (just for you Lee!) and some yummy Thai food.

After this everything just started blending together. Our days consisted of mainly these things.

1)   Eating. You can eat any kind of food you want here: Seafood, Thai food, Italian food, German food… even Subway and McDonalds if you want. Steve was very excited to see Subway… it’s been a long time!

2)   Wandering around the town. You can basically buy just about anything you want here. Koh Samui is the most resorty place we’ve been in Asia so far. I believe I read somewhere that 80% of the people on Koh Samui at any given time are not Thai. (I have to note it somewhere that this place is FILLED with young women who want to "take care of you". It was a bit disconcerting at first, but it seems that many tourists come to Thailand for this very reason. I wouldn’t really have a problem with this if the girls weren’t doing it out of desperation and poverty… but I don’t think this is the case. After a while I just had to turn on my “ignore” brain.)

3)   Sitting by the pool… swimming in the pool… sitting by the pool… swimming in the ocean… reading by the pool (you get it right?) Lots of times one of us would feel compelled to ask the other if we wanted to do something else… but most times we didn’t. I fell into “Extreme Lazy Mode”.

This is my view while I laze about!

4)   We had the most awesome foot massage at the beach. There was an open-air hut right on the beach with cushions for you to lay on. So while someone massaged you, you could hear the waves crashing and feel the ocean breeze. It was absolutely fabulous for the bargain price of 250 THB for 1 hour!!! (less than $8)

5)   And of course much time was spent having ridiculous conversations with my favourite Handsome Man. Really you wouldn’t believe the conversations that took place. I don’t think I can even share them with you because you might think we’ve gone slightly insane. What I can tell you is they often ended in hysterical laughter. Once we got to the stage where I will laugh at anything Steve says (some of you may have witnessed this phenomenon before… saying something like “blanket” or “mustard” sends me into fits of giggles) it often progressed into strange dancing. You might want to ask Steve to share one of these dances with you when we return home. My two favourites are the “Luke Perry Dance” and the “Get Back in the Bathroom Dance”. (Did I mention you could hear the bar out on the road through our bathroom window? Thus we could go out dancing without even leaving our room. This is how our bathroom dance club evolved).

So, this is basically how we spent our days in Koh Samui. Sometimes I felt a little guilty about my wonderful lazy life… but that passed 😌
