Our Last Day in London

Shopping With Steve in Phu Quoc - Nov. 2, 2010

 This morning we head out to find some breakfast. This is new to us, I can’t remember the last time we had a place where breakfast wasn’t included… (I think it was in Rome!)

No problems though, we found a great little restaurant on the beach and I had a yummy banana pancake with chocolate and Steve had some noodle soup and bread. We both love the noodle soup here. I think the difference is that in Canada the vegetables go in and sit for a long time making them mushy (I HATE mushy food), but here they put the vegetables in right before they serve them. This makes them a little cooked, but still crispy.

After breakfast we had a nice walk on the beach. The sun is shining today… couldn’t ask for anything more!

I went back to the room to type this blog and Steve headed into “town” to find some sunscreen.

When he returned he had sunscreen, sunglasses (two pairs) and cookies πŸ˜πŸ˜€πŸ˜ This is what he told me… He was walking past lots of shops. He saw the sunglasses and stopped (he always stops at sunglasses). The guy was so eager to sell him something that Steve felt bad for him and ended up with two pairs… even though he really didn’t need any... Steve is proud to say he is now the owner of two pairs of “joaklies”! He had to buy the cookies because he was looking around in this shop that just had a giant mess of stuff all over the place. The lady was following him showing him all kinds of stuff… and again he felt guilty so he had to buy something. Then when he finally got the sunscreen he didn’t actually have enough money left. He told them he’d walk back to the hotel. They were so worried about him not coming back, and buying the sunscreen somewhere else, that they gave him a ride back to the hotel on their scooter and waited for payment (Now that’s service).

After Steve’s adventure we decided to head down to the beach for a little sun and swimming. It’s very beautiful and peaceful… kind of like those Corona commercials where you see the back of two people staring out at the ocean… except instead of Corona the beer is Saigon.

While you're laying on the beach, you can buy fresh fruit from this lady who will cut it up for you right there on the beach!

Steve went for a run on the beach.  When he returned we had a nice dip in the water. Then hung out on our beach chairs. After hanging out at the beach (where Steve completed his first ever Sudoku puzzle!) we got cleaned up and headed out to find some food. Steve kept calling it lunch… but it was 5:00…

Words can't describe how amazing this is!

We stopped at a little place on the beach and had a fabulous dinner. I even had a glass of red wine for the first time in a month (wine in Bali is ridiculously expensive, so I didn’t bother having any in Bali). The wine at this restaurant wasn’t actually that good… kind of on par with the wines in Greece, but it was nice to have wine again even if it was only mediocre…and besides it was only 75 cents per glass πŸ˜€. Steve ended up with some kind of drink in a coconut, and we had a delicious dinner of shrimp, chicken, noodles, vegetables and soup. Then we had more drinks after dinner (Bailey’s!!!) and the total bill was $15 after we included a tip. I promise to stop telling you how cheap food is after today… it’s really just amazing to us!

Let’s just say dinner was cheap and yummy, and we sat on the beach eating drinking, listening to the waves and watching the sunset. This is exactly what I imagined when I was planning our trip 😁

Could it get even better than this? Well only if this cute dog keeps you company while you eat, and sometimes takes a nap on your feet 😚
