Our Last Day in London

Steve Hikes, Lisa Reads - August 6, 2010

 Friday August 6, 2010

The weather is nice today, so Steve decides this is the day he does the complete Cinque Terre hike.

We both take the train to Monterosso so we can explore the village together. This is definitely different than the other villages. It feels almost like Fort Lauderdale (which is good when you're in Fort Lauderdale, but no so good when you are in Italy). 

Monterosso: The most resort-like town of the five villages

There is a large beach with two zillion umbrellas and lots of restaurants and little souvenir shops along the road beside the beach. We wander a bit, take a few pictures, climb up a few hills, take a few more pictures… you get it 😀

I love finding places like this as we wander around!

Look at that view!

After we eat lunch sitting on some shady steps, I go back to Riomaggiore on the train and Steve starts his hike.

The hike was listed as taking 5 hours. Steve made it back in just over three hours (it seems he’s a lot faster when I’m not slowing him down!).

Steve says the Monterosso to Vernazza part was even harder than the hike we did from Vernazza to Corniglia so I am super-glad that I took the train and enjoyed a book on the terrace. (Side note: I read The Help by Kathryn Stockett and would highly recommend this book. It’s the best book I’ve read in a long time.) Anyway, back to Steve. He says the hike had a pretty steep ascent, lots of parts of the path were barely as wide as his foot is long, and the views were beautiful. He took lots of pictures so I could enjoy it vicariously through him 😉 (and here are some photos so you can enjoy it vicariously too!)

Other than that we just did the regular lazing about things and got ready to head for Venice tomorrow.

And now, as it is our final day in Cinque Terre, here are "The Things we like about Riomaggiore (and the Cinque Terre)":

1)   Although we joked about the bells ringing all the time, it was very nice to hear them. (Even at 60 O’clock)

2)   The little take-out place on the main street in Riomaggiore. The gnocchi was YUM, and they had "chicken salad with mixed vegetables" which ended up having no actual lettuce, but was chicken, potatoes, vegetables and olives… it was also YUM. The food here was good, home-cooked, and pretty cheap.

3)   The views. This place has amazing views everywhere you turn… including the terrace of the place we stayed “Casa Lorenza”.

Sunset view from Casa Lorenza!

4)   The hikes. Although they were exhausting, the hikes were fun.

Interesting hiking terrain!

5)   The tomatoes and basil from Lorenza’s garden. Food always tastes better right out of the ground.

6)   The Ligurian Sea. Carlos will agree that a swim in the sea in Italy is very refreshing.

Carlos taking a dip in the Ligurian Sea

7)   The stuffed mussels and tuna steak at the restaurant by the marina. Normally, we don’t go for seafood, but both our meals were outstanding!

We enjoyed Riomaggiore and the Cinque Terre. We would come back if we were with other people wanting to check it out (Anybody? Anybody????), but don’t feel compelled to come back on our own. (So many places, so little time!)

Who wouldn't want to see this place for themselves?!?
