Our Last Day in London

San Marco and Bellinis - August 9, 2010

 Monday August 9, 2010

Senne's Summary: We went to the Rialto Bridge, San Marco Basilica, had a ridiculously priced Bellini and then Steve broke the law.

This morning we thought we would try to hit St. Mark’s Basilica before the crowds got there and made a giant line…. Yeah, well, apparently we weren’t early enough. San Marco was crawling with tour groups, cruise ship passengers and day-trippers. It was crazy busy, so we figured we’d try coming back later in the day.

We wandered through the streets and headed over to the Rialto Bridge (it was also on the list of things to see). I guess it’s famous because it was the first bridge that really connected Venice to the mainland about 400 years ago. It was a BIG bridge, not in length, but in width. It had three separate walkways and an abundance of shops on it. I guess we can check that off the list although I probably would have been fine not seeing it.

We wandered a bit some more, took some photos of sparkly things Steve can buy me next time we are in Venice, and then got some sandwiches for lunch, had a siesta and decided to head back out again. (I am a big fan of the siesta!)

Sparkly shoes! Check out the inside of the heel 💖

And of course...sparkly jewels!

This time we head over to San Marco Basilica, thinking the line is going to be shorter… it was a little shorter (but not much). We decide to stand in the line anyway. It didn’t take too long… maybe half an hour – 45 minutes.

View from the top of San Marco Basilica!

When you get inside there are guys at the door handing out wraps for the girls who are inappropriately dressed. (Not me of course!) If your knees or shoulders were showing they gave you a silly paper tablecloth to wrap around yourself. There was also a "no photo" rule inside, which is too bad, because it was beautiful.

This church was built in a different style (I think they said Byzantine) and looked much more Eastern European. The inside had many colourful tile mosaics which were absolutely beautiful!

I read some interesting things about the Basilica… apparently two Venetians stole the remains of St. Mark from Alexandria in 828 and brought him back to Venice so Venice could have it’s own patron saint! Then the remains were mislaid for years (which means, they stole them, then forgot where they put them) until an arm miraculously broke through a column in 1094. Now St. Mark rests in peace under the altar. Seems odd to me, but what do I know?

We went upstairs and saw more interesting stuff and a beautiful view over the square (Steve took some pictures from the terrace), and then it was closing time.

We decided to go back and look at the sparkly watches and shoes again. (We never get tired of sparkly shoes and watches!)

Then we decided to check out Harry’s Bar for a Bellini. The Bellini was invented in Venice (I can’t tell if it was actually in Harry’s Bar, but that’s what the book says). The Bellini’s were good, and they gave us a bowl of delicious olives… but the price was “ridonkulous”. 15 Euros for each drink… the olives were free 😀  Side note:  Harry’s Bar also has the most expensive cola so far…9 Euros for a little glass bottle of coke (even Lisa wouldn’t have one at that price…the diet coke queen has met her match).

Outside Harry's Bar

We wandered the streets some more…. OH, I almost forgot. Steve blatantly broke the law! (I have photographic evidence to prove it!) There are signs everywhere that say eating or drinking while sitting in the square is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN…So, he bought an ice cream cone and then sat in St. Mark’s Square and ate it. After breaking the law we headed home for some pizza and called it a night 😀

The rules are clear!

Breaking the rules!

