Our Last Day in London

Correr Museum and San Marco Piazza - August 10, 2010

Tuesday August 10, 2010 – Happy 13th Birthday to My FAVOURITE Jessica in the whole wide world today!

Senne's Summary: Went to the Correr Museum, wandered the streets, did laundry, wandered the streets, listened to the music in San Marco Piazza, wandered the streets, had a nice dinner in a sketchy looking restaurant.

This morning we headed out to the Correr Museum. It’s in St. Mark’s Square, and your entrance fee to the Doges Palace also gets you into this museum (save your ticket!).

The museum had a lot of interesting stuff in it. We didn’t see the "no photo" sign so Steve started taking pictures, but was promptly stopped by the “no photo people”. I can’t imagine spending 8 hours a day saying “No photo, NO PHOTO!”

View of Piazza San Marco before Steve got caught by the "NO PHOTO" police!

My favourite room was the library. It had ornately carved wood shelves, at least 30 feet high filled with books. Some of the books were so old that they were handwritten. Looking at this room helped me form a picture in my mind of what my “Library” will look like in my forever house. It will definitely have one of those sliding ladders, for instance 😀

I think Steve’s favourite room was the weapon room. I commented to Steve that there must have been a lot of fighting in Venice’s history because both museums we’ve been in are full of swords, daggers, armour, maces, guns, etc.

We also spent a lot of time today just wandering the streets. It’s so easy to get lost just looking at things. Oddly, we got lost on exactly the same path as yesterday, and ended up in exactly the same spot… at least we are consistent!

Streets of Venice

Travel tip: If you are doing laundry in Italy don’t do it in Venice. It cost us twice as much to do our laundry here as it has anywhere else we’ve been so far. The bonus was that the clothes actually dried in the dryer. I think that’s the first time so far! (One wash, one dry…wait for it….15 Euros).

We had a nice night-time walk through Piazza San Marco. The restaurants with the tables outside (where the coke is 8, 50 Euros each) had live classical music. There were three different restaurants with bands so it was nice to walk around and listen to them all.

This is one of the pretty buildings we saw on our walk

Had a yummy pizza and pasta dinner tonight. Food was delicious and cheap…restaurant seemed a bit sketchy… I’ll leave it at that 😉

Things we liked about Venice:

1) Gondola ride. You could see Venice from a different point of view.

2)  Orchestras at night in St. Mark’s Square.

3)   The Sparkly Stuff… jewelry, shoes, watches… and the thought of going back and buying some of that sparkly stuff!

4)   Having our breakfast ready for us every morning at our B&B. Did we mention the Arancia Rossa (Blood Orange) yummy yummy juice?

5)   The immense paintings in the Doges Palace…especially the battle scene that took ten years to paint. (Really the whole Doges Palace was amazing!)

6)   In the Doges Palace again… the statues coming out of the ceiling.

7)   How much calmer Venice was at night with all the cruise ship passengers gone.

8)   The Library in the Correr Museum.

9)   The S. Marta waterbus station!

We will definitely be back in Venice… the sparkly stuff is calling us 🤩
