Our Last Day in London

Amalfi and Positano - August 24, 2010

Tuesday August 24, 2010

Senne's Summary: Took a boat trip to Amalfi and Positano.

Today we took a boat tour up the Amalfi Coast. The Amalfi Coast was on my list of things to do, and a boat trip seemed like an interesting way to do it.

We got on the boat at about 9 AM and then started travelling up the coast. We left the bay of Napoli and then entered the Bay of Salerno. The scenery was absolutely beautiful. We were both glad that we were seeing it from a boat rather than from the road.

The first stop we made was Amalfi. It was another small Italian town. It had the regular souvenirs, the gelato, the wine and limoncello stores and of course a big church.

We toured around the town a bit, had some DELICIOUS gelato, walked around a bit more, and then had lunch on a terrace overlooking the ocean.

The background was so beautiful it looked fake. Trust me... it was real!

After lunch we stopped at a small public beach and had a little dip in the sea. The beaches leave a lot to be desired here. Most of the land is dedicated to private beaches that companies own and you have to pay for the privilege of using. The public beaches are little slivers of land packed with people.

 We went back to the boat and headed to our next stop which was Positano.

Along the coast to Positano

We decided to spend all our time at the beach this time, because the towns are starting to all seem the same. This public beach was slightly larger, but proportionally packed with people. We did find a spot to lay down our towels and both had a few dips in the sea.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention our charming tour guide... he made his way around the boat spending a few minutes charming each of the ladies... "Take off the glasses... the Italian men like to see the eyes!"

We headed back to our boat for the ride back to Sorrento. We didn’t arrive back until 6 PM. It was a long day out in the sun. The scenery was absolutely beautiful, and I don’t think you would really get to appreciate the beauty of it from the road. Steve of course took loads of photos so you could appreciate it too! 
