Our Last Day in London

Villefranche, We'll Be Back! - July 30, 2010

Senne's Summary: We LOVE it here and will be back. Possibly no Internet for 2 weeks. Don't worry if you don't hear from us, Senne! :)

Sadly, we have officially reached our last day in Villefranche-sur-Mer. Our first rainstorm makes it’s way over the mountain (a few sprinkles and some big black clouds) which put a dent in my beach/laundry hanging out to dry plan. Weather clears at 6PM, blue skies again, we’ll have a nice dinner on a terrace somewhere. We will also go to the ice cream shop (Steve hasn’t been made aware of this plan yet 😉), because the other day I sampled a little something called “Rocher” ice cream. Yes, it is exactly what you think. It tastes precisely like Ferrero Rocher chocolates. I MUST experience that at least one more time!

Rocher ice cream... the new addiction!

So now we are officially at our “Things We Loved About Villefranche” section!

  1. EVERYTHING. We love it so much we want to live here. Steve has a plan for us to buy a condo here one day. (He thinks in about five years)
  2. The beach and the Mediterranean Sea. Although, the beach is pebbles, the weather, scenery and water make up for it. You can walk right in and swim, you don’t freeze your buns off, and it just feels heavenly! Lisa can float for hours (or swim very short distances in quite a long amount of time… possibly largely attributed to waves and current)
  3. Love the topless beaches. Steve loves it for one reason (I don’t think we need to spell it out) and I love it because clothes are over-rated. The less the better.
  4. The hikes around here were very enjoyable. The scenery made them not seem like “hikes” but like “lovely walks”.
  5. The close proximity to Nice and Monaco and the super-easy and inexpensive train system that can get us there in 10 minutes.
  6. The apartment we rented was awesome. It had everything we needed and many things we wanted (beautiful view, washing machine, gorgeous shower). It also was in the perfect location for us.
  7. Lots of lovely little restaurants with tables out on the sidewalk all along the harbour.
  8. The views. I don’t think you would ever get tired of just looking at things here… the houses, the mountains, the ocean… it’s all just beautiful.
  9. Orangina Light. Tasty. We need to get this in Canada.
  10. Patisserie’s… so many yummy things to try… baked fresh every morning… mmmmmmm.

Yep, we’ll be back. Hopefully next summer when we are wrapping up our “Excellent Adventure”. This visit was Most Triumphant! (Not so subtle Bill and Ted reference :) )

For anyone reading this, we may or may not have Internet for our first two weeks in Italy. We’ll be in Riomaggiore (Cinque Terre) for a week, Venice for four days and then Florence for four days. Crossing my fingers we have Internet somewhere so you can all let us know how you’re doing. Talk to you soon. 
