Our Last Day in London

The Last Day in Canada - July 1, 2010

Just adding old posts to the new blog site... we are no longer that young or that skinny anymore :) 

July 1, 2010

I have had some requests to not be so long winded… impossible really…. But I have compromised on what I'm going to call "Senne’s Summary". I’ll try to remember to put Senne’s Summary at the beginning each time I write. For those of you who want the short version, Senne’s Summary is for you. For those of you who are amused by my long-winded ramblings, you can read the rest!

Senne’s Summary - We took the ferry to Vancouver, saw whales, went to dinner with Mom, Gary, and Chris and slept. We’re all happy and safe :)

Special note for Senne: While we were in the buffet we met some very nice people. They are going to pray for us so we stay safe on our trip. You can stop worrying now, Senne.

For Those Who Like the Details (AKA Long Winded Ramblings)

We had an awesome time seeing our friends one last time at Neil and Ladena’s last night. Cyan had one final “make my hair crazy” ride from Uncle Steve, there was some poker, some pizza, some ice cream cake, some cupcakes and lots of photos (and a crazy amount of hugs. I'm overhugged :)).

This morning we raced madly around trying to finish up little details and were on the one o’clock ferry.

Jen noticed that we had kidnapped Carlos from the mantle, so we took him out at the ferry terminal for some “start of the trip pictures”. Carlos also enjoyed some time with us in the buffet.

Oh we got three bad things about travelling out of the way already, so we don’t need to worry about those anymore…

1)  Bad Weather: Seriously… 13 degrees on July 1. I’m over the Victoria weather this year!

2)  Dealing with things you’ve never experienced before: AKA how do you go to the bathroom when you’re carrying 30 pounds on your back. No problem… strong husband holds all bags :)

3) Breaking stuff: Steve broke his watch putting on his backpack at the ferry. He’s extremely disappointed that he will have to buy a new watch in Paris…

While we were in the buffet on the ferry we saw a pod of Orcas. (Steve thinks it was two pods, I think it was one just spread out). I’ll try to attach a video, but it’s never quite the same as seeing it in person.

I also learned a lesson while we were in the buffet. Always check the dessert table before you get the rest of your food. Let me explain. The buffet on the ferry has gotten progressively worse over time (or maybe I’m more picky?), anyway, lately the dessert has been … how can I put this politely… not as good as the salad?! So I loaded up on salad and real food. On the way to the restroom I walked by the dessert table…. WHOA! Full Stop! It’s loaded with delectable looking things including Roger’s chocolate mint wafers, chocolate caramels and other delicious little things. I managed to squeeze in a few but regretted eating so much darn salad! Long story short: Check out the dessert first!

We met with Mom, Gary and Chris in the hotel. Mom got instructions on how to ICHAT and we went for a super yummy and very westcoastish dinner at the Boat House. (Crab stuffed Jumbo Prawns were incredible!)

Tomorrow we go to Paris... I can barely believe it!
