Our Last Day in London

Steve’s Hike (sans Lisa) - July 29, 2010

Senne's Summary: Went to the beach and Steve hiked up the mountain to the fort.

Wednesday, July 28th - Went to the beach. (Life's tough isn't it?)

Thursday, July 29th

Steve decided to hike up a mountain, Lisa wanted no part of that…so it's Steve typing this blog entry.

Hi everyone, life is good in Villefranche.  For the past week and a half, whenever Lisa I went to the beach (and we were relaxing in the water), I would see this Mountain in the distance.  It sits on the edge of town and at the top of this mountain there is a stone medieval structure which is either a fort or a castle.  It’s been gnawing at me all week, whether or not I could actually hike to the top and check it out.  So I decide that Thursday (today) is going to be the day.

Now, it’s not that Lisa does not want to hike to the top of the mountain.  She would very much like to see what’s up there and witness the incredible views; she is simply uncomfortable embarking on a journey up a mountain with no certainty you can actually get to the top (safely) in 35 degree heat.  So it looks like I’m on my own.  Where is my fearless brother, and friends when I need them.

As a depart (11:30am) Lisa makes me promise that I will stop at the tourist office and seek advice or directions.  I make my way to the tourist office (up the hill a ways)…when you are staying on the beach in Villefranche, everything is up the hill a ways.  I enter fully ready to explain my request in frenglish/sign language…only to discover they are closed for lunch.  

Well, satisfied that I have fulfilled my promise to Lisa I am ready to set off blind.  Not really blind, I can see the fort on top of the mountain…it’s that way, and up, how hard can it be.

As I get to the main street of town and I am waiting to cross the street I can see the fort in the distance.  I begin to think, this better not be a waste of time and this fort is actually 50 miles away…I decide to stop in at the bank and ask their advice.  There is a nice lady whom I ask, "parlez vous anglais"..she answers in French, what I assume was something like, “not very well, but I’ll try, please have a seat”.  I’m eventually able to communicate that I want to get to the castle on top of the mountain…when I motion “walk” (she looks at me like I’m crazy), and gives me several directions in French with lots of pointing…I eventually cut her off mid-stream saying, “up and that way”  (ya I kinda figured that out)…she smiles and says “oui monsieur”…I thank her, and I am politely on my way.

So I tell myself, “let’s go find a steep street that looks like it may go on forever”.  I walk along the main drag and pass numerous streets going up, but none of them look or feel right.  I eventually come to a set of stairs that goes off in the direction I think I should be headed…the stairs go further up than I can see. 

Looks right to me, and up I go.  Pleased to discover these stairs go on for what seems like forever.  When I get to the top I am at an intersection that has signs pointing to Nice (left) and Monaco (right)…perfect…I head towards Nice.  I only walk about 100 yards and I’m looking down on the city of Nice (what a view).  But I’m still not at the top, I still want to try to get to the fort/castle.  Which way now (left or right)?

View from the top towards Nice

To the left I see in the distance another road, off the main road, that appears to go up…to the right, the main road also goes up, in the distance it appears there may be road construction and there is sign (written in french of course)… I can figure out some key words…”explosives, caution”… I say to myself, “What would Lisa do?” (now to be known as WWLD)…OK…left it is.

I start heading up the mountain road (for all of you from Victoria, it kind of looks like you are beginning a walk up Mount Doug….just 3 times higher).  I eventually discern that I am now in a park protected area and the views just keep getting better and better the higher I get.  I stop for lunch when I’m about 80% up the mountain.  A nice park bench in a quiet area off the road, with a view over looking Nice.  Let me just say, the pictures can’t do it justice…for me, I have never had a nicer view while I eat lunch…literally, makes your jaw drop.

View towards Villefranche-sur-Mer

After lunch I continue on my walk up the road.  I get to a crossroads and the sign tells me head left to get to the Fort and View point.  10 minutes later, I’m finally at the top.  Cool castle with working drawbridge.  Great views of Villefranche on one side, and Nice on the other.  I spend ½ hour exploring and taking pictures and then head back the way I came.

Back at the crossroads I decide to go the only way I have not ventured, thinking that it is probably going to go down the other side of the mountain…only question, will I end up in Villefranche or Nice.  I look at my watch, it’s now 2:00pm and decide I might as well see where it leads; based on the fact that Lisa said she would not start worrying until 8:00pm, that means even if I do end up in Nice,  I should be able to make it back before the “worrying hour begins”.  Turns out the road did lead down to the outskirts of Villefranche.  I saw more great views, and lots of outstanding Villas with pools overlooking the ocean.

I make it back to Villefranche with plenty of hours to spare, stopped at a Patisseire and picked up some treats for Lisa and I.  Wonderful walk.  If/when Lisa and I come back to Villefranche next summer (at the tail end of our trip), I’m going to take her on that walk.  Great day.
