Our Last Day in London

Notre-Dame Cathedral and Arc de Triomphe - July 6, 2010

We woke up late again! But that doesn't matter. We're on vacation :)

First thing this morning, we head down to the Laundromat. We load up the washer and then go have some lunch. Steve found some yummy baguette sandwiches that we ate sitting on a little step by a grassy area. People just sit down anywhere to relax and eat here. We’ve quickly picked up this habit.

While we were waiting for our laundry, we heard a series of jet engines. It seems that fighter jets were out. They kept going by in sets of 3. Then we saw a bunch of them and it looked like they were escorting some private jet. Not really sure what was going on, but whoever it was must be mighty important!

We took our laundry home (still a little damp… it will dry right???) and decided to go see the Notre-Dame Cathedral. The line was long, but we were quickly inside. I’m surprised that they don’t charge to get in, but then I noticed all kinds of places inside where you could donate. The building is absolutely amazing. I can understand why it took 170 years to build. Even the planning phase must have been very complicated. 

Steve took a bajillion pictures, and I wandered around. We didn’t have enough time to climb the towers, as by the time we got back outside to that line, they had closed the line.

We went back to the apartment for a little snack (well for me it was dinner, but for Steve it was a little snack!) and then decided to head out to the Arc de Triomphe. We took the batobus again, and started walking up the street towards the Champs-Elysees. There was a large crowd gathered around the front of the Grand Palais. We didn’t really know what was going on at first, but there were a lot of photographers so we hung around to see if there were any famous people hanging about! Some nice young French girls finally informed us that it is "Fashion Week" in Paris and tonight was the Coco Chanel show. This was confirmed as Steve and I noticed a plethora of emaciated women in stunning shoes (and me in my runners… sigh) and also plenty of rich looking men. We didn’t recognize anyone, but watched for a while anyway.

Next we continued along the Champs Elysees. Steve discovered that he was hungry, so we made a quick stop at McDonalds… yep you heard me correctly… McDonalds!!

We continued up the road to the Arc. Building it really was an amazing feat. Napoleon definitely had the “little man syndrome” going on! We bought our tickets and headed up the STAIRS to the top of the Arc. Moderately terrifying for me, but I managed! The views from the top were incredible. You could see Paris in all directions. My favourite line of the night was from a little boy about 4 years old… he had just dragged himself up 284 stairs to the top… he gets out on the viewing deck and says “I don’t see any big surprise up here!!!” Not sure what he was expecting? I suspect that a view of Paris is not what he wanted for a big surprise! :)


View down the Champs-Elysees
 The Eiffel Tower in the background!

That is A LOT of stairs!

Arc de Triomphe

After taking a billion pictures from the top and at the bottom, Steve and I headed home for another 5+ km walk! What do you deserve when you walk that far? Ice cream! Another great way to end the day. I’m excited about tomorrow as I will get to see my friend Carey for the first time in many months!
