Our Last Day in London

The Last Day on the Celebrity Equinox

March 18, 2010

We slept in so late, they weren’t even serving breakfast by the time we managed to drag ourselves up to the 14th floor… (this using the stairs thing is brutal on a ship this big…however walking 7 flights of stairs to get your food makes you feel a little less guilty about how much you eat!) we found a nice table outside and within 15 minutes they were serving lunch!

After that we went to lay in the sun and read.  Then had a little snack, watched the DVD of Steve’s dance performance that was delivered today, filled out our comment card and got ready for dinner. (There is a food theme today isn’t there?!)Dinner was extremely slow tonight… I was so excited to see Shrimp Scampi, but it was not that good ☹. I LOVE a good Shrimp Scampi! In the middle of dinner I started to get a migraine… by the time dinner was finally over (more than 2 hours!) I just stumbled up the stairs to bed. (No headaches for 2 weeks, not so bad… but I really wanted to go to my personal disco tonight…) Steve being the excellent husband he is, packed all the bags and set them outside by 11PM while I slept.

Things I Will Miss About This Cruise:

1) Waking up without an alarm almost everyday.

2) Walking out to sit on my balcony in the sunshine and enjoy the view of some tropical island or the ocean right after I wake up.

3) Being warm.

4) Having someone else cook my food and having such a wide variety of choices.

5) Cookies and ice cream in the afternoon.

6) Mudslides (approximately 7 billion calories each!)

7) The beautiful furniture on this ship.

8) Walking down and finding a wine tasting or a dance class you can join.

9) Someone cleaning my room everyday… twice!!!

10) Coming back from an evening out to find my bed turned down and chocolates on my pillow. (Even better... Steve letting me have his chocolate every night ☺)

11) Seeing 4 new countries I’ve never been to before!

12) Going back to Seven Mile Beach (my MOST favourite beach in the world!!!)

13) Being warm!!!😦 
