Our Last Day in London

Colon, Panam


March 13, 2010

We took our excursion to the Gatun locks. In order to get there we have to drive through Colon, and other small towns. This is a very poor and a little bit scary place. I can see why they told people not to go out on their own here.  (We found out later that one couple decided to just go for a walk around Colon, and the port security tried to go with them. When he said he was just going for a walk, he told him not to because it wasn’t safe.)

Our tour guide told us a lot of interesting facts about Panama, which I of course have already forgotten. (This is why I need to write this stuff down. It’s only two days later and already I’ve forgotten!)

The locks were incredible.

We got to watch a couple of boats going through. It was pretty amazing to see the water go up and down and then watch the ships go through the gates to the next lock. The guide told us that the most expensive ship to go through cost $360,000. The cost averages from $90,000 - $300, 000 just to travel through the locks (based on size, weight and passengers). I’m glad we could see the locks from the edge rather than being on a ship that goes through. I don’t think you’d really get to see how it works from on a boat.

After our tour we came back to the ship, had a little lunch and read on the pool deck in my favourite shady chair (I’m still burnt!). Steve goes for his dance practice and I have a little nap.

I can’t really remember what transpired after the nap, I’m going to guess reading, eating and napping (I really have to work on my memory!) and then we got ready for dinner.

Ate another delicious dinner (I can not find anything bad to say about the food, although it seems like other people can always find something to complain about), and then go watch the show. It was the casts Broadway Review. It was okay. Then we head to Quasar for the best part of the
night… 80’s night. First we learn some kind of variation on the Thriller dance… very funny. Then the DJ played 80’s music all night. YAY! We did lots of dancing, and other people were actually dancing too! Went to bed about midnight, and had to set the clock back an hour (I’m not sure why, isn’t it spring forward???)
