Our Last Day in London

Celebrating my birthday in Roatan!

 March 16, 2010

Yay! It's my birthday! I celebrate by having waffles with cherries and whipped cream again for breakfast!

We catch a cab and head to West Bay Beach. There is a complicated process of many people exchanging money, which I don’t even try to understand, but we end up with a return cab ride to the beach for $15.00 US each. With all the people getting a cut, I suspect their money is worth much less than the American Dollar.

The cab ride is beautiful. It seems like a rural winding road through a rain forest. The vegetation is beautiful. Steve saw two police officers on a motorcycle, one driver and one packing a sub machine gun… but I erase that from my mind and enjoy the scenery. At one point the cab driver stopped in the middle of the road… I’m thinking "uh oh"… is he going to try to get more money from us? Are bad guys coming out of nowhere ? (I really need to watch less TV)… but he was just stopping at a scenic spot so we could take a picture. (Perhaps my imagination might not have run away like that if he would have said, “take a picture”, but I guess he just assumed we knew why he stopped.)

The view from the picture stop!

We arrive at the beach and it is very nice, but crowded.

We walk down a bit and see some people from our White Water Rafting tour and camp out on the beach with them.

Steve and Joezer go snorkeling and see a total of 3 fish. The approximately 120 people on the snuba tours that are in the same spot are going to be unhappy! They are only going to see seagrass and shells. Steve and Joezer find out from Mike that they went to the wrong end of the beach, but had a fine time in the water anyway.

The water is nice and warm, shallow and has soft white sand. (I wouldn’t rank it as high as Seven Mile Beach in Grand Cayman, but would give it a solid 8/10.)

There are a lot of vendors on the beach but they are polite and leave you alone if you say no thank you.

After plenty of time in the sun we head back to the ship. Steve buys a little necklace from the shops (you know how he loves necklaces), and we head back to the room for ice cream and cookies! WOOHOOOO!

After the snack out on the balcony we read a little and then get ready for formal night. (I think it was nice of them to make everyone dress up for my birthday!) We had lobster for dinner (which I thought was only mediocre) and Baked Alaska for dessert (Super YUM!). We also had a little birthday cake and song πŸ˜€

We head off to the show where we sit beside a nice couple. The man says he would rather I sit beside him than Steve because I’m beautiful (it doesn’t seem creepy when someone in their 80’s says it). Steve tells him it’s my birthday. When he finds out I’m 41, he tells me he was already on his third wife by then! Okay then…

Happy to spend a warm sunny birthday with my Handsome Man!

The show is quite good tonight. It is the dancers and cast of singers performing to some more up to date music (even “Don’t cha” by the Pussycat Dolls… which by the way doesn’t sound that great when sung by someone with a Broadway type voice…) but the show was entertaining and energetic and the most current we’ve seen.

At 10:00 we meet Joezer, Jedith, Mike and Osla (sp?) to show them the White Water Rafting Photos (they didn’t get the CD). They love them (well, Osla is a little embarrassed)! Steve offers to make them a CD and mail it to them. Then we head off to bed (no dancing in my personal disco tonight…too tired!)
