Our Last Day in London

Back in Fort Lauderdale

March 20, 2010

We finish packing our bags, have one last waffle and get off the ship ☹ We enjoyed ourselves A LOT, we'll definitely be back on Celebrity again!

We catch a cab to Fort Lauderdale and Hotel W gives us a room right away. I’m excited because it’s on the 21st floor! We get to the room and discover it’s the “wheelchair accessible” room… with no bath tub… deal breaker for me… (Why do they always try to put us in this room no matter where we go???) Steve goes back to the desk and gets them to switch our room, only the 10th floor this time, but we get a bathtub!

(Side note: We got our room on a priceline bid for $130 per night... it is FABULOUS and worth way more than that... sometimes priceline really works out well!)

We head out for lunch at ‘LuLu’s Bait Shack’. Steve asks me where I’ll be at midnight. I tell him I’ll be sleeping. Then he shows me the advertisement for “College Girl Bikini Contest at Midnight”. Um…yeah… I’ll still be sleeping. We have a lunch that I wouldn’t call good… and we even have to pay for it… GASP! The cruise ship has us spoiled ☺

We head back to the hotel and go to hang out by the pool. We sit in the hot tub for a bit.

First time I’ve ever seen an Infinity Hot Tub. Then we lay in the sun,

and Steve takes a dip in the pool.

This is a fancy pants pool!

After a few hours Steve notices a group of people on the beach, and what looks like a big camera. We attempt to figure out who it is with the zoom on our camera… to no avail. This doesn’t stop Steve. He heads down to take a look for himself. Turns out it was some “actors” from a show called Jersey Shore. I don’t know what that is (and don’t really care) ☺

(5 years later, comment on Jersey Shore: in the words of Jimmy Fallon "Ewwwwww")

Hey! Why is my ship leaving without me??? 

We hang out a bit more…

The "Living Room" of the W Hotel in Fort Lauderdale

eat ridiculous amounts of chocolate for dinner… (we need to squeeze in all the sugar we can, vacation is almost over!) and watch my favourite kind of detective shows on TV. Suddenly it’s 4:00 in the morning and time to go to the airport to head for home. Another vacation comes to an end… only 15 more weeks until the BIG ADVENTURE! 
