Our Last Day in London

Another Day at Sea

March 11, 2010

I wake up and do my regular morning typing of my blog, while Steve sleeps. The ship is rocking a bit more but I’m not seasick at all! (YES!). Steve wakes up and we try to get on the WIFI to post the blog and check facebook (addicted to facebook much?), but the WIFI doesn’t work today….

Imagine that... sailing somewhere out in the ocean between Grand Cayman and South
America and there is no Internet 😉 We quickly recover and head up for breakfast out on the back deck overlooking the ocean again. We decide on shade only today as Steve is slightly crispy and I am REALLY crispy!

After breakfast we take our books and look for a shady spot to read. We find the double hammock empty, and try that out first, only to discover it’s in one of the few smoking sections. It’s actually the first time I’ve noticed the cigarette smoke on this boat. Steve goes to stalk some people in the nesting chairs, and comes to get me when he finds a spot. This is where we lay as happy as two little pigs in mud!

Steve wants me to check if I can download a book to my Kindle out in the middle of the ocean. I figure it won’t work because the WIFI wasn’t working… but I was wrong. It quickly connected to the Amazon store and in a matter of minutes I had downloaded a new book. Really quite amazing!

Steve heads off to play in the poker tournament in the casino and I continue reading. Steve comes back about 45 minutes later. Apparently the tournament had 3 minute blinds. (Even though he came third Steve is not impressed… three minute blinds, how ridiculous… an entire tournament takes 45 minutes, that’s not poker!)  No pay-out so he’ll have to try again if he wants to get the Krieger Watch 😉I’m not particularly hungry, but Steve goes to check out the food and comes back with cookies and a selection of food I haven’t even seen in the lunch buffet before. He twists my rubber arm and I help him eat it. Then he goes for round two and comes back with ice cream and a little bowl of M&M’s and sour chewy candies. I LOVE this place!

It is approaching 2:30. Time for our “Around the World Wine Tasting”. We taste 6 whites and 6 reds from various different countries and eat a little cheese and bread. We remember to “look, swirl, smell, little drink, big drink” but are still no experts on wine. Other people have words like “spicy, woody, ruby” on their note-taking sheet… I have words like “yuck, drinkable and WOW!” on my sheet! Steve likes the  red wine with the longest name the best (Tannat Blend Bodega Juanico Preludio Barrel Select Lote No 49, Juanico from Uruguay), and I like the Cabernet Sauvignon, Casa Lapostolle from Chile.

We’re both a bit tipsy now...maybe we shouldn’t have tasted quite so much of each one… but notice the merengue lesson is going on down on the deck below in the grand foyer. We head down there and do a little dancing. Steve notices right away that the teacher has a new helper today (the beautiful Adele from Birmingham!). As we are dancing, the dance instructor comes over and asks Steve to be Adele’s partner in the ships “Dancing With the Stars” show. He will practice with Adele three times and then perform in front of the whole ship on one of their shows. Steve looks a little shocked, but I say he’d love to do it 😉 Adele gives us her phone number to arrange practice times and says that her style is the jive/swing dance. Steve tells me when she leaves that he would rather do latin, but I tell him he has to do whatever Adele says. Adele is very sweet and comes back and double-checks that I don’t mind (who me? A hot, blonde, young skinny dancer… nah, I don’t mind) and she appreciates when I tell her that I told Steve he has to do what she says.

After the lesson Steve goes to the gym and I finish my book because I HAD to know if the lady in the book dies. (She did.) We get ready for dinner and then I realize I didn’t do my homework. Well it’s not due for ten minutes, so true to my procrastinating style I scribble down some notes and we head off for dinner. Dinner is delicious AGAIN! I tell everyone what I know about Cartagena and we agree to meet Bob and Monica to share a taxi tomorrow morning.

While we wait for the show we do a little dancing in the grand foyer, a nice lady admires my sparkly shoes, and we take the requisite picture of my shoes for the evening.

The show is some guy in a really sparkly jacket and sparkly shoes playing the piano. He has major talent, but I find his playing a bit ‘frenzied’ which isn’t really my style. We both enjoy it anyway.

We decide to go back to the room for a half hour nap (all this vacationing makes me tired… to tell the truth it may be the wine that makes me tired) before the newlywed show. Steve promises to wake me up in half an hour, but I crash and he lets me keep sleeping. He’s such a nice boy 😁 For all I know he could have gone out and met Adele, done some dancing, played some poker and bought more watches, but he tells me he just watched a movie and went to bed…
